Week 10 EOC: Erin vs Robert Kerns
In both cases of Erin and Robert they were both people looking for justice, and not only for criminal reasons but also for moral reasons. Which both cases have their similarities in the two movies, but the two movies also have their own differances. In the case of Erin Brockovich she was a lawyer. She was trying to help the people out who were wronged by the power and gas company. Erin Brockovich was a witty, smart, hard nose lawyer, caring mother, and who didn’t put up with the crap from the attorneys from the gas and power company. In the case of Robert Kerns; he wasn’t a lawyer. He was a inventor. He was a family man. But since Robert Kerns wasn’t a lawyer he had to have a crash course in learning law all on his own for is court case. Which he did have help from his family. Whereas, Erin Brockovich didn’t have any help and did the majority of the hard work by herself. In both cases which involved high end lawyers from the company they were hired from. Both of which the companies lost the case. Erin represented the people: Robert Kerns represented hisself and his invention of the windshield wiper. But in both cases both Erin Brockovich and Robert Kerns won the cases they were fighting for, even though the two cases had their differences and similarities.
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